The Spoonleaved Sundew, Drosera spatulata, is a small, perennial, flat, rosette-forming carnivorous plant with red traps and lots of tentacles.
The longest tentacles are at the tips of the leaves and quickly move towards trapped prey in as short as 10 seconds.
The color of the leaves is frequently scarlet red, but it can vary from orangey-green to maroon. It is a pretty little tropical and has traps year round.
It tolerates a wide range of growing conditions, but prefers open, sunny, boggy conditions in peaty soils. The blossoms are pink on multi-flowered scapes.
Typically there are several scapes at a time, and they are long lasting. It can flower at different times of the year, but more profusely in the summer months.
It is a is an excellent terrarium plant, and a reliable performer for your collection. It is easy to grow and is a great beginner’s plant.