Sealed Jar Terrarium : Also known as Closed Terrarium, it’s a collection of small plants growing in a transparent, sealed glass container. Inside a terrarium’s walls, many natural processes may be observed: photosynthesis, respiration and the water cycle. This little glass jar contains an entire universe in itself. Its very easy to maintain
Sunlight: Place your terrarium in a bright area with indirect sunlight, (ex. windowsill, well-lit workstations). These terrariums are a closed system; it can get too hot if placed near a direct heat source and the plants may burn.
Water: A properly maintained terrarium can go for months without needing water. Checking for condensation is the key. If the sides are never condensing, pour some water in the jar. If there is too much condensation that you cannot see your plants, then open the top of the container temporarily to allow it to dry.
The terrarium would be sent as a DIY Kit having the below components:
- Glass Jar.
- Pack of Sand / Substrate.
- Wood /Stones with all plants attached.
Steps to assemble:
- Open the Lid of the jar
- Open the pack of Sand/Substrate and pour it in the jar.
- Take the wood along with plants and put it inside the jar.
- Add Water till above 1 inch above the and/Substrate level.
- Close the jar and put it under a bright light source like a table lamp/bright natural light/Spot Light making sure its not kept in direct sunlight.
P.S: You might find some white cotton like thing developing on the wood initially. It’s a natural phenomenon and you can just wipe that with a cotton bud.
Size: 8.5 inch