The Tillandsia Ionantha is a beautiful air plant, and is a great first plant if you are new to air plant care.
These adorable plants feature layers upon layers of the prettiest silvery-green leaves, and an adorable round shape. When the Ionantha blooms, it will have the most beautiful violet flowers, and when in bloom the top of the plant will also turn a brilliant bright red. The flowering cycle on the Ionantha is one of the most beautiful of all of the air plant varieties.
The Tillandsia Ionantha does not require any soakings, only mistings 2-3 times a week, more often in hot and dry conditions like that of in the desert. It thrives in warm, humid conditions but will do just fine in dry, desert-like environments with regular thorough mistings. You can also run them under a bit of water if they appear to be particularly dry. Do not submerge them though, like you would with other air plants.
It thrives with indirect sunlight. All day direct sunlight will lead to the plant over drying and the tips burning. It also loves fluorescent lighting – making them ideal for office environments.
Ideal temperatures are between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Soaks that last too long, trapped water in between its leaves – so after a soaking or a heavy misting, make sure you turn it upside down and shake the excess water free. You can leave the air plant upside down until it is fully dry before placing it back in its home.
Size: Approx 2 inch
P.S.: Only Plant will be shipped. The accessories are for representational purpose only.